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October 21, 2017

FIFA 18,Versteckter Wert von Squad Building Challenges

Squad Building Challenges bieten Spielern die Möglichkeit ihr Geschick beim Zusammenstellen eines Teams zu beweisen und sich so einige Münzen und Packs zu verdienen. Das Feature zeigt aber auch an einer anderen Stelle großen Nutzen.

In FIFA 17 eröffnete EA SPORTS allen Spielern des Ultimate Team-Modus eine neue Funktion – die Squad Building Challenges. Dabei handelt es sich um von EA gestellte Aufgaben an die Spieler, bei denen ihr ein Team nach bestimmten Parametern zusammenstellen müsst. Gelingt Euch das, gibt es als Belohnung Spieler, Packs oder Münzen. Durch die lukrativen Erlöse erfreut sich das Feature auch in FIFA 18 großer Beliebtheit. Die Squad Building Challenges haben aber noch einen weiteren Nutzen, der nicht zu unterschätzen ist.
Nicht gut, aber teuer

Sucht Ihr auf dem Transfermarkt nach Spielern wie Diego Castro oder Atinc Nukan, fällt eines direkt ins Auge: Der Preis. Der linke Mittelfeldspieler Castro kostet rund 1500 Münzen auf der PlayStation 4. Seine Werte lassen das aber nicht vermuten. Nur 68 Tempo hat der Spanier und auch seine anderen Attribute sehen nicht viel besser aus. In vielen Teams steht er dementsprechend nicht in der Startelf. Dennoch ist Castro gefragt, denn er spielt bei Perth Glory in Australien. Dadurch wird er für Squad Building Challenges ein beliebtes Ziel. So ist es bei der Herausforderung “Hybrid Leagues” unbedingt notwendig, Spieler mit gleicher Nationalität aber unterschiedlicher Ligazugehörigkeit zu haben. Ein Spanier aus der australischen Liga bietet sich dafür an. Dadurch steigt die Nachfrage und gleichzeitig auch der Preis von Diego Castro.
Bei Atinc Nukan ist der Fall ähnlich. 5000 Münzen müsst Ihr für den 72er Innenverteidiger auf den Tisch legen. Und auch dieser stolze Preis hat einen Grund. Für die Süper Lig-Challenge wird eine Elf von jedem einzelnen Verein der türkischen Liga verlangt. Ein Innenverteidiger von Besiktas Istanbul ist somit gefragt. Zudem hat seine Karte nur Silberqualität, wovon deutlich weniger Spieler im Umlauf sind. Es gibt daher nicht viele Karten von Nukan auf dem Markt und doch wird er von vielen Spielern benötigt. Das hat zur Folge, dass auch sein Preis in die Höhe schießt.

Die Wertsteigerung von zum Teil unbrauchbaren Spielern, zahlt sich vor allem beim Öffnen von Packs aus. Auch wenn einem im ersten Moment kein Ronaldo entgegenstrahlt, kann auch ein niedrig bewerteter Spieler eine Menge Münzen einbringen. Was vor Squad Building Challenges für 300 Münzen schnell verkauft wurde, kann jetzt mehrere tausend Münzen einbringen und spült Geld in die Kassen der Spieler. Noch mehr profitieren Trading-Interessierte. Wer frühzeitig erkennt, welche Karten in Squad Building Challenges vonnöten sind, kann diese billig kaufen und dann später teuer verkaufen. So zieht jeder Spieler in FUT seinen Nutzen aus den Squad Building Challenges, auch wenn er sich selbst nicht an die Herausforderung wagt.

October 20, 2017

Trump’s NFL attacks down to jealousy

The Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shad Khan believes Donald Trump’s attacks on the NFL are motivated by jealousy.

Trump has been vocal in his criticism of NFL players who have chosen to kneel during the national anthem to highlight racial injustice in the United States. In September the president said: “Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now. Out! He’s fired. He’s fired!’”

The NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said this week that players should stand for the anthem but would not be forced to. That led to Trump tweeting that the league has shown “total disrespect” for America. But Khan suggested that rather than patriotism Trump’s anger may stem from his failure to buy the Buffalo Bills in 2014.

“He’s been elected president where maybe a great goal he had in life to own an NFL team is not very likely,” Khan told USA Today Sports on Wednesday. He added: “The attacks on Muslims the attacks on minorities the attacks on Jews. I think the NFL doesn’t even come close to that on the level of being offensive. Here it’s about money or messing with – trying to soil a league or a brand that he’s jealous of.”
ESPN kneels before advertisers by silencing Jemele Hill for doing her job

Trump was also the owner of the New Jersey Generals in the United States Football League a rival competition to the NFL. Trump led an attempt with fellow USFL owners to force a merger with the NFL in 1984 but he was unsuccessful and the league folded in 1986.
Khan is originally from Pakistan and also attacked Trump’s immigration policy which he said is far more sinister than the president’s scuffle with the NFL.

“That’s one aspect that you can imagine – someone is getting a visa that will change their life is from a Muslim-majority country – and now boom that dream to change lives they get locked out,” Khan said. “That’s a hell of a lot more significant than fighting some sponsors or people who want their money back because they’ve been riled up.”

Khan’s voice is slightly undermined by the fact that he gave $1m to Trump’s inauguration fund although he told USA Today he had no regrets about his donation and had been attracted by the president’s economic policies.

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October 19, 2017

Forecast NBA 2K18 game, who will win this year’s NBA

Return of injured player together with surprise in the last places.

Although the new US NBA basketball league has not even begun, we already know how this year’s season will end. For the moment, 2K Sports has played with its NBA 2K18 game and details of the simulation have been published on its facebook profile.
Newcomers vs. playing legends

Trophy Mauricea Podoloffa for the most useful player in the competition is Russell Westbrook from the Oklahoma City Thunders team this season, averaging 26.3 points, 10.7 rebounds and 8.8 assists per game. Cameroon’s Philadelphia 76’ers team, Joel Embiid, who injured his meniscus on January 11 this year and skipped the rest of the season, will be back in full swing for the upcoming season. His statistics will average 27 minutes, 17.9 points, 8.5 rebounds, 2.5 blocks and two assists for the match.

The best beginner of the game was Ben Simmons, as well as Philadelphia 76’ers. The newcomer should score an average of 16.2 points, 8.1 rebounds and 7.4 assistants. As far as playing legends are concerned, Kevin Durant overcomes Lebron James in points, rebounds, blocking and assists, and receives the award for the most useful finale player.
Who shall be king of the east, who is the king of the west?

The smaller NBA final is a fight for winners of the conferences. Boston Celtics and Cleveland Cavaliers will get to the final on the Eastern Front. From the seven match match, the winning second will be named. The fight for the West Conference will win the Golden State Warriors when they beat the Houston missiles.

NBA 2K18 with the atmosphere coming to a reality:

The league’s final, according to the 2K Sports simulation, should have a rapid fall as the winner comes out of a total of five matches. The title of the 2016/2017 season stands for Golden State Warriors in the 4: 1 ratio, and the best coach for the new season is Steve Kerr – the winning team pilot.
Who will draw for the shorter end?

Unfortunately, in the top of the season, someone has to cast the last races. Miami Heat ends with 22 winnings and 60 defeats, followed by Indiana Pacers with 27 winnings and 55 losers. Orlando Magic and Sacramento Kings with the same balance of 30 wins and 52 defeats.

My NBA 2K18 is the best basketball simulation game on mobile devices. Developed by 2K Sports and based on the NBA official database, the game wins numerous of fans around the world. The player mainly plays NBA basketball games with real-life or customized players and teams. In-game currency is My NBA 2K18 RP, you can use it to buy your favorite players.

October 18, 2017

NBA 2K18 ‘patch 1.04, improved to create A player system

The latest patch for NBA 2K18 which arrived for PS4 on Thursday and is scheduled to hit for Xbox One PC and Nintendo Switch soon touches on a number of areas in the game. One feature that received some attention is the offline create-a-player (CAP) system.

The CAP system was easily my least favorite aspect of NBA 2K18 when the game launched. It was far more limited as it pertains to face sculpting skin complexions eye color and facial hair. After the latest patch two of those issues have been resolved. Take a look at the video below. I broke down all of the changes made to the system.

Users can now change the eye color of their created players. You can also choose from a larger selection of beards mustaches and eyebrows.
CAP is not completely fixed as face sculpting and the ability to change complexions are still very important when creating a player but these changes move the feature in the right direction. I’d love to see more improvements with NBA 2K18 but if I’m being honest this is probably the extent of what the development team can do for the current game.

The decision was made to go with scanned templates and that seems to have limited the face sculpting options. It also likely removed the ability to change complexions. This was probably done to allow CAPs to look more like real players.

However based on community feedback 2K has hopefully learned that roster creators would sacrifice the ability to have a scanned head if it means they will have more control over the look of their created players.

NBA 2K18 is a basketball simulation game published by 2K Sports for PS4/ XboxOne/PC. The player mainly plays NBA basketball games with real-life or customized players and teams. Players purchase card packs by NBA 2K18 MT & VC which will give the player random items.

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October 17, 2017

NHL 18,Evolution or revolution

That is the question for any gaming franchise that gets iterated on an annual basis.

In the case of NHL 18, the game’s brain trust opted to double down on last year’s gameplay and go for polish instead of throwing out the kitchen sink. Figuring if this is enough of a change for you depends on whether you’re a hardcore player of the series, an occasional player or a newcomer to the series.

One of the biggest strengths of this year’s NHL game entry is accessibility. This focus on providing an enjoyable gameplay experience to a wide swath of gamers of varying skill levels and hockey-playing preferences is reflected in the various options available in the game, whether it be through classic difficulty options or even the control scheme.

Do you love the modern Skill Stick-based control system that uses the right analog stick to more accurately simulate stick handling? Perhaps you prefer the old-school button controls from 1994? Maybe you prefer a hybrid version that combines modern and classic controls? Once again, NHL 18 makes all three options available so you can play how you want to play, or at least close to it.
Another change that does not get as much attention but I find to be a great inclusion is a new tutorial mode, something I actually clamored for in my NHL 16 review. One reason it took me awhile to get used to the Skill Stick controls, for example, was because I had to look stuff up and then try to learn and apply them. NHL 18’s new training mode, however, lets you go through and practice all the key controls while they are explained to you. It works especially well when combined with the On-Ice Trainer introduced in NHL 16.

On the offensive side, for example, you can learn how to do normal shots, slap shots and wrist shots. Passing and aiming is also explained, as well as the various approaches to faceoffs. For puck-handling savants, there are two sections for basic and advanced dekes, including between-the-leg and one-handed tuck moves that are highlight reel-worthy. Just like in real life, these look awesome when successful and embarrassing when you fail (and could lead to a scoring opportunity for your foe to boot) so make sure to use them wisely.

On defense, you can practice various moves like body checks and stick lifts. After introducing a stickier defense last year in NHL 17, this year adds defensive skill stick skills like poke checks to further round out your options. I did notice that stick lifts can work too well at times, though, especially in situations where folks get bunched up, so you’ll want to keep that in mind. On the plus side, it makes playing defense a lot more interesting.

For folks who want to get into the action right away, you can do your traditional quick matches or jump straight into the Stanley Cup Finals. Folks who appreciate the grind of a full hockey season can still experience that, too. For an even fuller simulation experience, you can go through the expansion draft in Franchise Mode. Sin City fans can even play as the new Vegas Golden Knights expansion team, which, by the way, is just about the least interesting unrelated name you can come up with for a Las Vegas team. I mean, Vegas Wayne Newtons sounds a heck of a lot more intriguing than the generic-sounding Golden Knights, and I’m not just saying that because I’m being a salty Renoite. Well, maybe just a little.

Whether the changes are enough to convince gamers who like hockey but don’t feel the need to change games every year — especially with all the good games competing for gamers’ wallets these days — is a question that is certainly worth asking. If you’re looking for big changes, you’ll have to wait a bit more.That being said, if you’re a gamer who is looking to give hockey another try after a long absence or a newcomer who wants to take a stab at an NHL simulator, the new training mode, as well as several beginner-friendly features, make NHL 18 the perfect game to skate into.

NHL 18 builds on the foundation of the last few games while adding a fun and fast-paced 3-on-3 mode as well as a much welcome training mode for new or rusty players. Admittedly, the changes might not be enough to shake off that “been-there, done-that” feeling for some veteran players of the series who are looking for more. If you’re a new player or someone returning to the series after a long absence, however, NHL 18 serves as the perfect entry point.

September 04, 2017

Madden NFL 18 Options A Movie- High Quality Story Mode in “Longshot”

It’s that time again, as EA Sports begins its annual barrage of sports sims, all polished and updated for the new season. Kicking items of nicely may be the latest iteration of their American Football franchise, Madden NFL 18.

NFL 18

And this year it is all change.

Following FIFA 17’s lead, last year, with it’s single-player campaign mode, “The Journey”, Madden NFL 18 options a movie- high quality story mode in “Longshot”. This can be a massive inclusion as well as a total game-changer. Longshot tells the story of one-time college football hopeful, Devin Wade and his final shot in the NFL. The campaign options the likenesses of real actors like Mahershala Ali (most not too long ago observed in Netflix’s Luke Cage) playing Devin’s father and former Oakland Raiders operating back, JR Lemon as Devin, himself.

Longshot adds some meat for the single-player encounter, which, like most sports sims up until now, has earlier involved picking a group and playing a season. But it also serves as a great introduction to NFL too as the game, Madden NFL 18.

Longshot is heavy around the drama, with much of your player interaction becoming very simple button presses and Mass Effect-style conversation alternatives. Slowly gamers are introduced towards the Madden game mechanics. The actual football in Longshot is Madden- lite, with gamers only controlling Devin or the catcher. A lot of of the gamestups are Devin recalling his career up to the point that he washes out for the duration of a colleague football game, ahead of attempting his hand once again to get back into NFL.

While the campaign serves as excellent intro to the game for newcomers, I can see veterans obtaining itchy fingers and much more than a little frustrated by the restrictive gameplay during the three-hour story. But, if you’re keen to expertise an interactive NFL movie, you can find Longshot very entertaining.

The inclusion with the story campaign is not the only alter.

For this entry EA have swapped the game engine from Ignite more than to Frostbite- precisely the same engine utilized to energy pretty-much all of EA’s games from Battlefield 1 to Mass Effect: Andromeda. The engine is superbly optimised and presents pretty much photoreal graphics. EA have been gradually rolling it out across all their sports titles. It really is use, last year, for FIFA 17, shows that the Frostbite engine can add quite a bit to sports games.

On Xbox A single the visuals are outstanding. The muted colour pallet is often a lot additional realistic; gone would be the oversaturated grass tones and instead we have a realistic green. The players’ kit is filled with detail in the texture with the material to the lacquered metallic finish or the helmets. The screen grabs accompanying this critique could appear like promo pictures, but they are not. They had been all capture in-game my me. The games physics impressively capture the action, with players seeking like they are truly connecting on the field. The action is animated with smooth, high-quality realism.

The commentary continues to be the very best of any sports title. The conversations, packed filled with details and stats, involving hosts Brandon Gaudin and Charles Davis add an unparalleled and quite informative degree of realism towards the game.

The visual tweaks aside, the gameplay is still quite comparable to previous iterations, but with some enhanced player control and catching choices. New for this year, gamers can decide on from 3 forms of gameplay- Arcade, Simulation and Competitive, accommodating casual and hardcore fans.

Too because the new Longshot campaign, you’ve got each of the usual gameplay modes to choose from. New and returning players could be wise to verify out the extensive drills inside the Expertise Trainer just before attempting anything else. EA Sports’ deep, collectable card-based mode, Ultimate Group returns and, naturally, you have got the immediate action of Play Now and On line Head-to-Head. The full NFL practical experience is usually had taking your team all of the strategy to the Superbowl in Franchise mode.

Madden NFL 18 sets a high regular for this year’s EA Sports titles. An extremely polished presentation, fluid gameplay and beautiful visuals make this an excellent entry within the classic NFL series.

August 31, 2017

Madden 18 Guides For Player Upgrades & MUT Team Tokens Earning


Madden 18 Player Upgrades Guide

If you go over to the ‘Team’ tab in the Ultimate Team section of Madden 18, you’ll find the ‘Upgrade Sets’ option near the bottom of the screen. There are a variety of options in this section, but the one you want to be focusing on first is the ‘Upgrades’ area.

Select the ‘Players’ option after this, and then choose from AFC or NFC, depending on which team you’re after. For example, when I picked the Colts pack at the beginning of Ultimate Team, I was given a 70 OVR Vontae Davis, which I can now upgrade to 75, and then 84 OVR, but only with a few key items.

Madden 18 MUT Team Tokens

The items you’ll need to upgrade individual players are Team Tokens, which come in either Silver or Gold variants. To upgrade the Vontae Davis card to an 80 OVR, we’ll need his base card and a Colts Silver Token, but to take him to 84 OVR, we’ll need both a Gold and a Silver Colts Team Token.

To obtain one of these elusive Silver or Gold tokens, you’ll need to back out all the way to the first menu after you went into the ‘Upgrade Sets’ menu, and scroll all the way along to the right till you get to the ‘Team Tokens’ area. In here, you’ll find item sets to unlock Silver, Gold, and Elite Team Tokens, each of which require a number of cards.

How to Earn MUT Team Tokens

MUT Team Tokens unfortunately can’t be purchased in the auction house, nor can they be traded for on the trade block. Instead, you’ll have to find them in packs (although the odds are slim), or complete item sets in order to earn them.

Each Team Token requires a number of cards in order to be unlocked – for example the Bears Gold Team Token requires 10 Gold Bears players, all ranked between 70 and 79 OVR. Silver Team Tokens are easier to obtain than this, as they instead require 12 Silver players from any teams, ranked between 60 and 69 OVR.

It’s certainly a slog, and there’s even debate among the MUT community as to whether these player upgrades are even worth the effort, as they require some expensive Elite items in the later stages. But, if you do happen to have an NFL Stars player lying around, it could be well worthwhile to merely upgrade them once.

Madden 18 Ultimate Team Best Players to Upgrade

So, obtaining Team Tokens is by no means an easy job, so once you’ve got hold of some, which players should you prioritise upgrading over others?

For starters, you definitely want to go with skill position players, over any players on the offensive or defensive lines. Skill players undoubtedly have a larger impact on your average game of Madden than any other players, to it’s best to go with quarterbacks, running backs, tight ends, wide receivers, cornerbacks, and safeties over any other positions.

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June 22, 2017

Madden 18: Who Are The Lesser Known Players Drafted In The Later Rounds?

We’re all fully aware of the big name rookies making their Madden debuts in the fall. Top picks like Trubisky, Garrett, Fournette, and McCaffrey are all very interesting Madden 18 rookies. But what about some of the lesser known players drafted in the later rounds? Many times, we tend to overlook these players until they end up on the cover of Madden’s G.O.A.T. Edition (Tom Brady). That’s why we’ve decided to put together a few of the late round draft picks to watch for in Madden 18.

Madden 18
TE Jake Butt: RD 5 Denver Broncos
The name aside, Butt is a big and tall TE with incredible upside for a Madden TE. He had over 500 rec yards and 4 TD’s in 2016. He did so on 46 catches. Those are pretty solid numbers for a TE in the college game. Butt showed good route running skills at Michigan and that should translate his Madden rating in that category.

Also, based on some of the highlights he had in college, Butt should be rewarded with higher than average Spectacular Catch and Catch In Traffic ratings. Butt looks like he could certainly end up being a great option over the middle. Especially with Demaryius Thomas and Emmanuel Sanders on the outside in Denver’s offense. Watch for Jake Butt at TE in Madden 18.

RB Tarik Cohen: RD 4 Chicago Bears

Tarik Cohen was a YouTube sensation before he even started his career at North Carolina A&T. The small RB is known for doing back flips and catching passes at the same time. Theatrics aside, Cohen is definitely a Darren Sproles style back. He has incredible playmaking ability and is tailor made for Madden. He’s not just a flashy RB, though. Cohen not only found the end zone over 18 times in 2016, but he also had 37 catches and over 300 receiving yards. Those are some incredible numbers given he only played 12 games.

Cohen was dubbed the “human joystick” due to his knack for simply making plays. Cohen should provide those of you who like to use the Bears with a threat at several positions on the depth chart including PR/KR/3DRB. You may even be able to utilize him from the slot in certain formations and situations. Cohen’s speed, elusiveness, and juke ratings should be fairly decent for a rookie drafted around his spot. Watch for Cohen in Madden 18.

WR Dede Westbrook: RD 4 Jacksonville Jaguars

Westbrook definitely had 1st round potential. With 80 catches, over 1500 receiving yards, and 17 TD’s in 2016, Westbrook showed that he could put up some big numbers catching the ball. His 4.37 40-yard dash time at the combine was quite impressive, but if you watch his highlights from the University of Oklahoma, then you’ll see why he has serious potential as an NFL WR and Madden stud.

Westbrook’s certainly a player to keep your eye on as the Madden 18 season progresses. If Jacksonville can get some production from Blake Bortles, and we see the QB’s Madden rating get back to around 80-85, then Westbrook will benefit and become a solid WR. Westbrook is certainly a WR to watch for in Madden 18 and for years to come.

RB Samaje Perine: RD 4 Washington Redskins

For a player who spent a good bit of time backing up Joe Mixon at Oklahoma, Perine put up some impressive numbers. His 12 rushing TD’s, and 1060 yards on only 196 carries shows how unstoppable Perine is when running with the ball. Perine is a big bruising runner in the same fashion as Leonard Fournette.

Samaje Perine has “incredible upper body strength,” and he’ll be “an unstoppable goal line back,” said Mel Kiper Jr when evaluating Perine for the draft. If you check out some of Perine’s highlights from college, then you’ll see exactly what Kiper was referring to.

You can see the big RB just bowling over defenders during his time at Oklahoma. Perine will start with a higher than average rating in the trucking category. Given the Redskins strong O-Line, Perine will be a great option for a ball control power running attack, and you should watch for him in Madden 18.

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June 20, 2017

Compared With Madden 17, What’s New In Madden 18?

Hi, Madden fans! What’s the new features and mechanics of Madden 18?
Today, will introduce the details of it!
If you just quit Virtual Retirement, PS2 and the original Xbox era, because there is a big change, so when we review some basic knowledge, pay attention, and then to the new features later this year.

Madden 18
Now, have a look at the features of Madden 17.
Last year, Madden 17 launched a simpler way to stop running and passing as a playing pool. Instead of choosing a specific game, the player can let you predict what game your opponent will play (for example, either through or inside) and automatically queues the defense.
In last year’s franchise model, Madden 17 launched a new “big moment”, shaping your players and the team’s future. If he was slightly injured, decided to keep the quarterback if he was injured for the second time and could spend your season. Changing the rookie may mean a difference between the loss of the competitor and the other points in the profit bar.
But it was all last year.

What’s new in Madden 18?
This year’s supplement is the Frostbite physics and vision engine that will power the next generation of Madden’s experience. We’ve seen it in other EA movies, but that’s the first time you’ve seen it at Madden franchise. Still playing Live! Mode that lets you reproduce this week’s best real-world NFL game.

According to EA, there will be a new game mode. We have not heard too much, but this should be a change in the traditional franchise / player creation model, bringing the unknown players you create to the top of the league.
Game, a new feature called “Target Pass” will provide you with better pass control, allowing you to throw the ball in the exact location on the floor. If the traditional phone is too difficult, Madden 18 will launch three new game styles: arcade, simulation and competition. The following is a description of each:

Arcade: full of passion full of drama, limited score.
Simulation: Use the correct NFL rules and gameplay player and team rating.
Competitiveness: Your skills are key, get a lot of reward for your skills, or get more punishments.
The overlay feature is also a new feature that helps you keep track of recipients who are protected when you are in defense.
You can also expect the return of Madden Ultimate Team and franchise models in Madden 18.
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April 28, 2017

Guides to Beginner in My NBA 2K18

My NBA 2K18

It’s not basketball season yet. Heck, it’s not even hockey season yet, and for some unknown reason, the men who take to the ice in the NHL return to action even sooner than the hardwood warriors of the NBA.

Be that as it may, 2K is already thinking hoops, as evidenced by the fact that the company has already had Cat Daddy games release My NBA 2K 17, which just so happens to have shot right to the top of the U.S. App Store charts.

It could be fulfilling some pent-up demand for basketball during the dog days of the summer, but more than likely, it’s just that fans enjoy the card game aspect of it while also checking out its console functionality (albeit before NBA 2K17 itself is out).

We dig it, so we figured we’d whip up this beginner’s guide to My NBA 2K17 to help newcomers get into it. Veterans of the series won’t need any assistance, seeing as it’s pretty darn similar to last season’s game.

Let’s get to it!

Your team choice matters

Not in the long run, mind you, because the object of My NBA 2K17 is to build the best possible team regardless of whose shirt they wear in real life. You certainly can chase all rare cards from your favorite squad, but early on, you won’t have that luxury.

You do start out with one rare card from your favorite team though, so that initial decision matters. Represent for your favorite franchise.

My NBA 2K18
Positions matter too

You might be down with “positionless” basketball in the current NBA, but in My NBA 2K17, you need a PG, SG, SF, PF and C just like God intended. Or Naismith. You know what I mean.

In most game modes, you get a stat bonus for placing players in their correct positions — something that is helped for some of them by having dual eligibility, like PG/SG or PF/C. Since the gameplay always comes down to a comparison between stats on one of your player card and one of your opponent’s cards, it behooves you to play guys in position. Every little boost counts.

How to get more cards

Unlike the majority of card-based games, you don’t really rely on “buying” new cards in My NBA 2K17 to build the bulk of your team, even though there is in-game currency that makes that an option.

Instead, you’ll earn the bulk of your cards as “draft picks” at the end of games. As few as one in a loss, but more if you win. The number of draft picks also depends on the game mode, and you’ll also be presented with an opportunity to earn a few more by watching videos.

Draft picks are made from a face down selection of cards that resets once you’ve hit a card that is rare or better. Cards you don’t want can be used to level up the ones you like in stereotypical card game fashion.

There’s more to learn, but you’ve now got a solid foundation of fundamentals. Have fun hooping it up, even though it’s still hot outside.