How To Skip The Alohomora Puzzle Lock In Hogwarts Legacy

It’s not as simple to unlock Charm Alohomora in Hogwarts Legacy as it is in the books and movies; instead, players must finish a mini-game that can be skipped. All of the Alohomora lockpicking puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy can be skipped. Many spells are available in Hogwarts Legacy, some of which are more suited to exploration and problem solving than others. In addition to having a sufficient number of Hogwarts Legacy Account prepared, players will learn how to bypass the Alohomora puzzle lock in this method.
How to Bypass Alohomora’s Puzzle Key
A Hogwarts Legacy player is free to open any tier 1 lock they come across once they have Alohomora. In Hogwarts Legacy, players can level up Alohomora and get access to tier 2 and tier 3 locks by gathering Demiguise Statues and converting them into Gladwin Moons. It can get very boring picking through all the locks in Hogwarts Castle, Hogsmeade Village, and the surrounding countryside if you’re interested in finishing the game.
Players can swiftly change the settings by lowering the game’s level to Story, which makes it simple for them to miss the Hogwarts Legacy Alohomora puzzle’s solution. In the Alohomora puzzle key minigame that displays when the player interacts with the lock, this feature adds an auto-solve button to speed up the process. The button essentially allows players to skip the puzzle minigame, while they will still need to figure out the math gate and other puzzles throughout Hogwarts Castle without assistance.
Luckily, there are no Hogwarts Legacy medals or achievements connected to Cup Hunters’ difficulty level. By switching the difficulty to story, players can lock themselves into these accomplishments/trophies. Hogwarts Legacy has received a good deal of appreciation from the gaming world for not truly locking the player out of any stuff during the course of the game.
Players will see that all of their trophies and achievements continue to display correctly as a result. Players should be aware that in order to use the auto-solve function, they must still deal with the lock and access the puzzle lock minigame. However, players can’t completely evade the minigame with the help of the button tips.
Players will still be able to find Tier I, II, and III Alohomora locks, which is another crucial caveat. Players must gather partially disguised sculptures in Hogsmeade, Hogwarts, and the Highlands to access tiers 2 and 3. The player will then learn a more potent unlocking spell that works with locks of higher degree from Gladwin Moon. Although moving to story difficulty isn’t the ideal approach, it still works well for Hogwarts Legacy players who want to avoid some boredom. To bypass the Alohomora puzzle lock, players can purchase a cheap Hogwarts Legacy Account in the game.