How to Get Spider Fang in Hogwarts Legacy

The crucial drink known as Maxima Potion, which is prepared with spider fand, increases your fighting prowess against adversaries. In Hogwarts Legacy, this article will explain how to obtain a Spider Fang. In the game, players must be sufficiently prepared with Hogwarts Legacy Account.
What is Spider Fang for?
In Hogwarts Legacy, the Maxima Potion is prepared using the Spider Fang. This unique battle potion takes 30 seconds to produce and will temporarily increase your spell damage output, making it a useful item to always have on hand.
Moreover, Leech Juice, which may be found by exploring fields near bodies of water, is needed to make Maxima Potion at a suitable area, such as the House of Requirement or your class. A one-time 500 Coin purchase from J. Pippin’s Potion Store is necessary for the formula.
How to get Spider Fang
You can take the following actions to obtain Spider Fang in Hogwarts Legends:
Experience the forbidden woodland.
You can travel to the Forbidden Forest when playing the main plot of Shadow of the Mountain. Once there, you’ll find a location marked with a spider emblem. There are numerous dangerous spiders in that area that are always prepared to attack.
Fend off spiders
After the spiders begin to attack you, you have the ability to fight back and do significant damage. In this technique, the spiders will scatter their Spider Fang, allowing you to move swiftly and gather them all while engaged in combat.
Once you have gathered enough Spider Fangs to brew this potion, you may purchase the Maxima potion formula for 500 gold as well as Spider Fangs from J. Pippin’s Potion Store in Hogsmeade for 50 gp apiece. You’ll need to spend some time crafting potions once you’ve gathered these ingredients. You must first finish the main plot in order to unlock the ability to create potions in the Room of Requirement. To make the most of your supplies, keep them nearby or place them in your room.
How to use Spider Fang
In the game, Spider Fang is only used to create a certain potion. Mixing Spider Fang with leech juice and supporting the drinker with spell damage gave rise to Maxima Potion. There are numerous potion ingredients available; we advise you to look them up in our guide. You also need to know the ingredients for any potions that might be useful to you. I hope these resources are useful to you while you explore.
There are further varieties of potions that are manufactured from substances like leech juice, mongrel furr, lacewing flies, etc., such as Thunderbrew Potion, Felix Felicis, Invisibility Potion, Edurus, etc. Please purchase extra Hogwarts Legacy Account from the game cash store.